We’d like to make an original house brand product.

Please feel free to contact if you consider making private-brand product by your clinic, hospital, dental, pharmacy, drug store, private dealers

Recently, dietary supplements are getting attention as a medical treatment since consciousness of prevention is increasing in the market.
Once market is expanded by TPP or selling medicine on the web, we recommend to have an original private brand product.

It was hard to produce private brand product in past days because lot is too large-production. Synapse is able to provide small lot production. Some products is available from 30 pieces for making private-brand product.

LR III powder (earthworm) diet
CPL (Cyclic poly lactate)
Placenta 100 (placenta from pigs in Denmark)
Mulberry leaf Granule (Domestic organic leaf)
Secretion of lactobacillus (Komaki liquid concentrate)

We are happy to consult making private-brand product of supplement or cosmetics.
We will propose appropriate items or products based on customer’s request.
We are waiting for your contact about making private-original brand, in small lot production, etc.

PB/OEM (small lot production)

We will provide your private-original product by using our specially sellected dietary healthy supplements and cosmetics after changing label and product name for you. Your private-original product will be on the market with low risk, small lot size and at a low cost.

  • 1. Contact Us

  • 2. Meeting

  • 3. Quotation

  • 4. Order - Manufacture - Deliver

Contact of OEM/PB

Inquiry & Request for a brochure

Head office 3-29-13 Kengun, Higashi-ku, Kumamoto city, Kumamoto, 862-0911
Phone: +8196-288-9887 FAX: +8196-288-9938